[DF-41] [Nuke] 东风41战略导弹 100 发射装置 [2025]
东风41战略导弹 100 发射装置

- DF-41 早在2012就开始测试
- DF-41 于 2019 国庆节公开亮相
- DF-41 可带 10 枚核弹头
- 假设 2015 才正式批量生产 DF-41
- 假设每个月仅生产 2 枚 DF-41 (及发射车)
- 那么 2020 今天已经拥有 2*12*5=120 枚 DF-41
- 假设每枚 DF-41 仅装 6 枚微型核弹头
- 那么 2020 现在已经拥有 120*6=720 枚东风急远快递
- 假设对手能拦截10枚中的8枚,那720/5=144枚核弹落地谁能受得了
- 造一枚微型核弹对中国而言就如造一辆汽车,就这么简单
- 中国巨大的生产能力,一年生产 3000万台汽车
- 中国的核武力,想要就有
- 高层不会不知道 DF-41 的重要性

Beijing’s nuclear-capable missile DF-41 ‘can level the whole New York City with a single strike’, Chinese media warns
Chinese analyst said the weapon could deter Washington from ‘running risks’
The missile could strike and destroy NYC ‘without a problem’, the expert added
Nuclear-capable DF-41 was unveiled to the world by Beijing earlier this month
It is said to be able to hit the US within 30 minutes, carrying nuclear warheads
DF-41, or Dongfeng-41, is said to be capable of ranging up to 9,300 miles – putting the entirety of America within its reach.
It is said to be able to carry up to 10 nuclear warheads which can be independently manoeuvred, meaning it can strike 10 targets simultaneously.
In order to evade defence systems, it also carries decoys and can hit the United States within 30 minutes of launch, limiting the amount of time defence systems have to respond.