光明网03-29 07:05
【中国工作组和援助物资抵达英国】当地时间周六(28日)下午,来自中国山东省的赴英国联合工作组携带援助物资抵达伦敦希思罗机场,即将在当地展开协助抗疫工作。这架“逆行”的航班上装满了各类抗疫物资,并附上寄语——守望相助,患难与共,携手同心,共克时艰, We will get through together!(记者 韩宝仪,供图 工作组)
Chinese experts share COVID-19 treatment experience with Italian peers
Marcus Aurelius9 hours ago
I cried when I saw the arrival of the Chinese medical team in Italy on TV. We are facing one of our darkest period in history and there are still people willing to risk their lives to come to our help. Bless you China.. bless you
China offers Italy medical aid as province donates masks to help overseas Chinese
BEIJING (XINHUA) – China and Italy reaffirmed bilateral ties in a phone call between the two countries’ foreign ministers, with Beijing offering to provide Rome with medical aid to help fight the coronavirus. Separately, eastern Zhejiang province donated thousands of boxes of protective gear to help overseas Chinese in the European nation.
In the phone call on Tuesday (March 10), Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said the two nations’ friendship would see new progress as they work to tackle the fast-spreading virus.
Mr Di Maio briefed on Italy’s latest development on the epidemic prevention and control work, and thanked China for its support for Italy.
Pointing out the severe situation in Italy at present, Mr Di Maio said the Italian government is paying close attention to and learning from China’s successful experience in the battle against the virus, taking strong measures to prevent the spread of the disease.
Italy is facing a shortage of medical supplies and equipment, said Mr Di Maio, expressing hopes that China would help resolve their urgent need.
Overseas Chinese living in Italy have played an active role in the fight against the epidemic, said Mr Di Maio, adding that Italy will continue to take full care of their health and safety.
Mr Wang said that as a good friend and comprehensive strategic partner of Italy, China fully understands the challenges Italy is confronting.
China sends expert team to Italy to help fight new coronavirus
March 11, 2020
At the urgent request of the Italian Red Cross, the Chinese Red Cross set up a seven-member epidemic prevention expert team to Italy.
On March 11, five experts from Sichuan Province set off for Italy. They will bring rescue supplies to support Italy in fighting the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic.
At the urgent request of the Italian Red Cross, the Chinese Red Cross set up a seven-member epidemic prevention expert team to Italy to assist in the prevention and control of the epidemic.
Thanks big bro Xi
光明网03-29 07:05
【中国工作组和援助物资抵达英国】当地时间周六(28日)下午,来自中国山东省的赴英国联合工作组携带援助物资抵达伦敦希思罗机场,即将在当地展开协助抗疫工作。这架“逆行”的航班上装满了各类抗疫物资,并附上寄语——守望相助,患难与共,携手同心,共克时艰, We will get through together!(记者 韩宝仪,供图 工作组)
5吨中国医疗物资运抵米兰 其中包括150万个口罩
光明网03-25 07:06
【25吨中国医疗物资运抵米兰 其中包括150万个口罩】当地时间24日,意大利外交与国际合作部部长迪马约发文称,来自中国的25吨医疗物资运抵米兰马尔彭萨机场。迪马约介绍说,这批物资包括约150万个口罩、155台呼吸机、1000套检测试剂盒等。另据意大利驻华使馆,物资部分由意大利民防部门采购,部分来自中国政府及多家企业的捐赠。意大利是目前欧洲疫情最严重的国家。截至当地时间23日18时,该国累计新冠肺炎确诊病例63927例,死亡6077例。(央视新闻)
据@央视新闻 的消息,20日,中国赴意大利抗疫医疗专家组一行7人奔赴意大利疫情最严重的贝加莫市,与当地一线医护人员见面交流,走访医院感染科病房,提出问题与意见。其中一张中国专家和意大利医护人员的合影照片引发了网友的热议↓↓就是这张照片
新华社北京3月16日电 国家主席习近平16日晚应约同意大利总理孔特通电话。
Chinese experts share COVID-19 treatment experience with Italian peers
Marcus Aurelius9 hours ago
I cried when I saw the arrival of the Chinese medical team in Italy on TV. We are facing one of our darkest period in history and there are still people willing to risk their lives to come to our help. Bless you China.. bless you
当地时间3月10日,意大利外交部长迪马约(Luigi Di Maio)接受意大利国家电视台1台(Rai 1)视频采访时,介绍了中国为帮助意大利抗击新冠疫情而提供的援助,并表达了对中国的感谢:困难时期,我们彼此互助。
[环球网报道记者 朱梦颖]“没有一个欧盟国家响应委员会的号召。只有中国作出了回应。”据英国《卫报》11日报道,意大利驻欧盟大使毛里齐奥·马萨里10日在美国“政客”新闻网欧洲版上发表署名文章,批评欧盟及其成员国在疫情当前为意提供援助速度缓慢,“这并不是欧洲团结的好兆头。”他表示,新冠病毒危机不仅仅是某一个国家的事,它是一场“欧洲危机”。
China offers Italy medical aid as province donates masks to help overseas Chinese
BEIJING (XINHUA) – China and Italy reaffirmed bilateral ties in a phone call between the two countries’ foreign ministers, with Beijing offering to provide Rome with medical aid to help fight the coronavirus. Separately, eastern Zhejiang province donated thousands of boxes of protective gear to help overseas Chinese in the European nation.
In the phone call on Tuesday (March 10), Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said the two nations’ friendship would see new progress as they work to tackle the fast-spreading virus.
Mr Di Maio briefed on Italy’s latest development on the epidemic prevention and control work, and thanked China for its support for Italy.
Pointing out the severe situation in Italy at present, Mr Di Maio said the Italian government is paying close attention to and learning from China’s successful experience in the battle against the virus, taking strong measures to prevent the spread of the disease.
Italy is facing a shortage of medical supplies and equipment, said Mr Di Maio, expressing hopes that China would help resolve their urgent need.
Overseas Chinese living in Italy have played an active role in the fight against the epidemic, said Mr Di Maio, adding that Italy will continue to take full care of their health and safety.
Mr Wang said that as a good friend and comprehensive strategic partner of Italy, China fully understands the challenges Italy is confronting.
China sends expert team to Italy to help fight new coronavirus
March 11, 2020
At the urgent request of the Italian Red Cross, the Chinese Red Cross set up a seven-member epidemic prevention expert team to Italy.
On March 11, five experts from Sichuan Province set off for Italy. They will bring rescue supplies to support Italy in fighting the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic.
At the urgent request of the Italian Red Cross, the Chinese Red Cross set up a seven-member epidemic prevention expert team to Italy to assist in the prevention and control of the epidemic.